this section contains fun stuff that doesnt belong in the other sections on hyped up. new additions are added to the top of the list.
PRE-SCHOOL TEST pre-schoolers all over england were shown this picture and asked the same question. 90% of them gave the correct answer. but can you get it right? |
HOW TO TELL THE SEX OF A BIRD there is an amazingly easy way to find out the sex of a bird. go here to see what the difference is. you will be astonished at how simple it is to work out! |
CRYSTAL BALL this crystal ball will amaze you - it can read your mind! choose a number, think of the corresponding symbol and the crystal ball will reveal what you're thinking. |
INTELLIGENCE TEST as we grow older, its important to keep mentally alert. if you dont use it, you lose it! this is a quick test to determine if you're losing your intelligence. |
HOW SMART IS YOUR FOOT follow these simple instructions and see if your right foot is smart enough to complete them. its not as easy as it looks! |
GUESS THE SIZE find out if you are an expert on breasts by seeing if you can guess the size of the breasts in the picture that will be shown! |
OPTICAL ILLUSIONS check out this selection of over thirty fantastic optical illusions that will trick and confuse your brain and eyes! |
MOUSE TAUNT here is a guy who you can annoy and taunt by waving your mouse over his face. but be warned, he has a trick up his sleeve! |
12 PERSON ORGY warning, this is a graphic photo of a 12 person orgy including 3 way action, from behind and explicit sex involving jelly. go on, open it - you know you're curious! |
AIRPORT ANNOUNCEMENTS two guys play a practical joke in an aiport - with hilarious results! they get the staff to ask for strange names over the tannoy system that sound different when spoken. |